Dr Gardner’s research (1) on the best strategy to maintain a healthy body  weight or lose a few extra pounds is to focus on nutrient dense, unprocessed foods.  It doesn’t matter whether you eat low fat or low carb.

Top 3 ways to start now

    1. Eat less sugar
    2. Less refined flour
    3. As many vegetables as possible


Canada’s Food Guide (3)

  1. Eat less sugar
    The American Heart Association recommends: Men should eat less than 9 teaspoons of sugar or 36 grams per day; women should eat less than 6 teaspoons of sugar or 25 grams per day.
    Example: 1 12 ounce can of pop has 10 teaspoons (39 grams), 16 ounce vanilla latte has 35 grams or more
    Read your labels: sugar comes in many forms: brown sugar, corn syrup, honey, molasses, maple syrup, anything ending in ose,  like: dextrose, fructose, glucose, lactose, maltose, sucrose, High fructose corn syrup.

    It takes about 3 days for your cravings to diminish and your brain to clear from the effects of too much sugar. Eliminate sugary processed foods and drinks from your diet for 7 days and you will be pleasantly surprised that your cravings for sugar will diminish and your energy will increase.

  2. Eat whole grains over processed white flour
    Look for ingredients on the label that say whole grains rather than processed white flour or enriched white flour. The fiber helps to reduce the rapid absorption of sugar which can lead to insulin resistance and inflammation in the body. Also, refined grains, strip out the good nutrients like: B vitamins and phytonutrients.

  3. Eat more veggies
    Vegetables contain vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and fiber.      If your goal is to lose weight, vegetables help you feel full with the added fiber. It’s also good prebiotic food for your gut bacteria.
    How can you incorporate more servings per day?  According to Canada’s Food guide (3) and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans Healthy Eating pattern (2), one of the easiest ways is to fill half your plate with colourful vegetables and some fruits at each meal.


Take action today.   If you want to be healthier and limit your risks for chronic degenerative diseases, the best time to start is now. Focus on filling your plate with nutritious foods like: colourful vegetables and fruits, whole grains, grass fed meats, free range chickens, cold water fish and healthy oils. Avoid highly processed foods, with added sugar and refined grains. Take a good quality multivitamin to fill to fill in your nutrition gaps. Your now one step closer to optimum health.

(1) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29466592/

(2) https://health.gov/sites/default/files/2019-09/2015-2020_Dietary_Guidelines.pdf

(3) https://food-guide.canada.ca/en/


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