Why is Diet not Enough?


Why is Diet not enough?
Why is Diet not enough for weight loss?

Crazy workouts and measuring every bite, eating healthy, stepping on the scale hoping to see some change, only to be disappointed “Something is wrong with me?”  I am doing everything right and I can’t get the scale to budge or worse you put on a few pounds.

Is this how you feel?

I have felt that way for along time until I learned that the mainstream weight loss programs that focus on diet and exercise alone do NOT guarantee you will lose weight. 

These are 4 Key Tips that if you incorporate them into your daily routine will put you on the fast track to weight loss:

  • Be kind to yourself
  • Focus on the positives – What do you love about yourself?
  • Positive Affirmations – Change what you say to yourself.  Write out 3-5 Positive Affirmations and post them on your mirror.  When you catch yourself in negative self-talk, replace them with one of your positive affirmations. 
  • Be of Service – When we put our focus on helping someone else, it helps us to take the focus off ourselves.

  • Sync your Nervous system – When we want to lose weight we need to be in the rest and digest state so our body can heal, repair, and burn fat.
  • Start your meals with gratitude
  • When you are in fight or flight state your body, our body slows down our digestion, increases our blood pressure and increases our respiratory rate.  This can lead to chronic health conditions.
  • Sleep 7-8 hours, lack of sleep increases your hungry hormones
  • Get morning sunlight to reset your sleep / wake cycle
  • Minimize Blue Screens at night, wear blue blocker glasses or set nighttime on your electronics.
  • Get your morning sunlight with a walk in nature
  • Do something you love-Yoga, Dancing with the kids
  • Movement that increases your mobility

Download your free copy of the Thyroid Health Morning Routine. Discover how you can start every morning with increased energy, lose stubborn weight, balance your hormones, and jumpstart your metabolism.


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