What do you change to get health results quicker? What do you start with first? There are key ones that get health results quicker. It begins with what you want to do……
Write a list of the things you want to change. Pick one. Start with this change for 21 days to make it a habit. Make it simple. Make it Fun. Celebrate. Use Habit Stacking and connect it to something you are already doing so it is easier to become a habit.
Here are some examples that make an impact on your health.
- Fill 1/2 your plate with vegetables
- Eat Quality food rather than Quantity
- Manage your portions – Use a smaller plate, 1 serving
- Eat in a 12 hour window to start intermittent fasting
- Heal your Gut
- Remove Toxins – review EWG Dirty Dozen
- Use a step tracker to remind you to move and work up to 7,000-10,000 steps per day, go for a walk after lunch or dinner
- Take your phone calls or meetings standing up
- Use the stairs
- Do squats after you finish eating or after you turn the tv on. Support yourself if needed. Start slow and increase the number over time. Then 1 leg only.
- Plank (hold push up position)-knees to start, increase time – as soon as you get out of bed
- Push-ups – knees to start, increase number – as soon as you get out of bed
- Try a yoga session or stretching sequence, it will help with flexibility and balance great for relaxation after getting ready for bed
- Take Magnesium Bisglycinate – calms the body and helps with elimination
- Get sunlight everyday, combine with a walk, reset your circadian rhythm
- No caffeine after 2 (see what works for your body)
- Go to sleep at the same time every night using a sleep routine
- Set the temperature of your room to cooler
- Only sleep in your bed so that it becomes a signal to your body
- Use nighttime settings on your electronics – phone, tablet or blue light blocking glasses
- Use a sleep tracker as you implement changes to see what works – I use sleep cycle app
- See if an adaptogen like Rhodiola during the day might help reset your circadian rhythm and reduce your stress
- If your mind races use a journal to write down your thoughts – use valerian which calms the mind and relaxes and is non habit forming
- Try a weighted blanket, I have tracked deeper sleep when I use it
- Take the Sleep Doctor’s quiz to find out your best hours for sleep https://thepowerofwhenquiz.com
- Be Grateful
- Pray, use a positive affirmation to reframe your thoughts
- Learn to manage your time by scheduling specific time to accomplish a task and then reward yourself
- Practice Meditation – I use the app Relax Melodies which has binaural beats that puts your brain into a meditative or relaxing state (can be used to help with sleep)
- Get organized – use the Pomodoro technique – 15 mins at a time
- Practice box breathing daily – In for 4, Hold for 4, Out for 4, Hold for 4 – so you can use it when you need it, it activates your rest and digest system and quiets your fight or flight response
Action Pick one and start tomorrow to get health results quicker.
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