Vitamin D levels are important to reduce your risk of cancer, diabetes, depression, fibromyalgia, heart disease, high blood pressure, muscle pain, osteoporosis, and multiple sclerosis.
In the randomized controlled trial1 on vitamin D and CO*VID-19 completed in Spain with 76 patients, 50 patients received Vitamin D and 26 did not.
The patients in the trial received 30,000 I.U./day for the first week and 7,600 I.I/day till they were released. Based on their findings, only 2 percent taking vitamin D were admitted to the ICU. In the control group, 50% were admitted to the ICU. There were no deaths in the Vitamin D group and 2 deaths in the control group.
Although this is the first study and it needs to be replicated, it is important to understand the importance of vitamin D and the reduction in ICU admission.
The full study can be found here.
Statistics Canada shows that 40% of Canadians during the winter are below the Vitamin D level cut off of 50 nmol/L.2 If you deal with Seasonal Affective Disorder, please get your vitamin D tested.
Optimal range of Vitamin D is suggested to be between 40-70 nmol/L.
Doctors recommend 2,000 I.U. per day, which is considered a maintenance dose. If you are deficient you may need to take 5,000 to 10,000 I.U. a day for 3 months under a doctors supervision. If you are overweight or older findings show lower vitamin D levels, as your fat can absorb your vitamin D and you may need to supplement at a higher levels.3
I found a great app called D minder that helps to track vitamin D. Based on your height and weight it gives you a recommendation on the amount of vitamin D you need each day. It also gives you the best time for your area to be in the sun ½ naked so you can get enough sunlight to make vitamin D and avoid burning rays.
You will want to know your baseline vitamin D levels, ask your doctor for the test on your next blood work. You may have to pay for it but it is worth it. Especially given the importance today in potentially reducing your risk of an ICU admission.
If you are low and supplementing request to get checked in 3 months again to make sure what you are doing is working. Note: you may need to supplement for 6-10 months to see a change in your blood work. Please consult your doctor.
The active form of Vitamin D is D3 (Cholecalciferol). Vitamin D is fat soluble so remember to take while eating fat.
Food sources include: Cod Liver oil, Wild Salmon, Mackerel and Sardines. An egg only contains 20 I.U.
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