Make Each Day a Masterpiece!


When your heading down the road and the sign says sharp turn, Do you make the turn?

Health is like that.  Sometimes we are thrown a curve ball and we can either let it take us down or we can consistently change our daily habits. Make each day a masterpiece.

Changing our habits is a slow process but consistent effort brings the success.  A lot of times we say what will it matter and give up.  We can look back 5 years and nothing has changed.  How can you start?


  • Simple – pick one thing you will add to your daily routine
  • Trigger – what activity will you do it after
  • Action – Do it
  • Reward – Make it fun and reward yourself for doing it 
  • Track – Track your progress

Don’t give up before you see results.  Consistency drives results. “Make each day a masterpiece, consistency compounds.”
John Maxwell

Listening to your body is the most important.  We are often given signs, don’t ignore them.

Check out Reverse your health numbers to find out how you can monitor your success.

If you think your friends/network would find this useful, please share it with them – I’d really appreciate it.”.


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