Live Longer learning from the challenges that can positively impact you.
Choose to see your challenges as lessons to be learned. Apply the lessons to your life.
Resilience, the dictionary defines as `the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.` It is the key to living longer.
Our body needs resilience to recover from the challenges it faces everyday. The quicker we can bounce back the healthier we are and ready to deal with the next challenge.
Building a healthy resilience can include low stress activities to build your positive response. “Hormesis” is defined as a stress that creates a healing response in the body. It’s a good stress.
Hormetic Stresses to make you stronger include:
Exercise – an example of a “hormetic”stress, depending on the status of your health, and time of the month, doing Crossfit or strenuous exercise may be a high stress on your body. If your resilience is low your body has difficulty recovering from the workout. That’s a sign that you may need to try Yoga or walking and rest in between.
Hot and Cold Therapy – At the end of your shower for 30 seconds, finish with cold water, helps your thyroid function, builds mitochondria, helps you recover more quickly from stressors
Intermittent Fasting – Best 16/8, 16 hours fasting and 8 hours eating window. Start with 12 hours fasting and work up to a 16 hour fasting window.
What’s your favorite “good” stressor to live longer?
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