Exercise is scientifically proven to Boost Mood, Decrease Stress, Improve Self Confidence, Keep your Memory Sharp, and help you get Better sleep.1.  I have read research that suggests exercise can boost your mood as good as medication.  Talk to your doctor before changing your medication and work with them to find what is best for you.  You can feel better.

When your sitting at home binge watching tv, you certainly don’t feel like getting up to exercise.  How can you fit in exercise during the day so you can be successful?

Taking the 30 mins will give you the ability to get more done in less time and feel happier doing it and have greater focus and energy.

Working with clients, I starting with what you can do and over a period of weeks you will be surprised how quickly you can increase your exercise time.  One of my clients went from having a hard time doing 20 mins, to being able to workout in the pool for 60 mins and take a walk later in the day.  It helped him feel better about himself, lose stubborn weight and keep it off.  Lifted his spirits and so excited for him to have the confidence to pursue a loving relationship. Most importantly, he reversed his health numbers.

How can you get started?

It depends on what you are doing today.   Its recommended to workout 5 days a week for 30 mins to maintain your health.

During the Day: Find 10 mins to do some squats, walk on the spot when you are on the phone or stand during zoom meetings.

Before Work: 30 min walk or 20 minute HIIT on the treadmill or bike, Yoga session

At Lunch: 30 minute walk, run or swim, Strength Training or Yoga

I can remember when I was training for a triathlon I had to fit in all my workouts around work and other sports, often I would swim at lunch.  Forced me to work hard to complete the workout in time.

Right after work: Have a snack go to the gym

After Dinner: Go for a walk right after dinner with your family and spend time connecting.

Make a decision you are going to do something everyday whether its for 10 mins 3 times a day or 30 mins a day.   I have found that doing my workout in the morning is the best time to ensure its out of the way for the day.  Make it easy, make it fun and schedule it the same time everyday.   Choose what you love to do and start tomorrow.

If you think your friends/network would find this useful, please share it with them – I’d really appreciate it.”.

  1. Callaghan P. Exercise: a neglected intervention in mental health care? J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs. 2004 Aug;11(4):476-83. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2850.2004.00751.x. PMID: 15255923.



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