Why would Dr Mark Hyman recommend that quality of food matters more than Quantity when we always hear that the amount of calories we eat are more important for losing weight.

Harvard School of Public Health studied over 120,000 women and men over 20 years, those that gained weight had increased intake of processed foods higher in starches, refined grains, fats and sugars like potato chips, potatoes, sugar sweetened beverages and processed meat.

High Quality foods include minimally processed foods like: Fruits and vegetables, Whole Grains, Yogurt, Healthy fats like nuts and Quality proteins which were associated with weight loss because they helped individuals consume fewer calories. (1)

If we take the example of eating a chocolate bar or drinking empty calories like in pop of sugary coffee or tea, your blood sugar goes on a rollercoaster ride and shortly after you finish you are craving more sugar, your energy drops and your reach for another one.   This increases your caloric intake.

If you have a balanced high quality meal and your hormones are functioning normally you feel satiated or satisfied for 3-4 hours and this limits your snacking in between meals.  No HANGRY, hungry and angry.

The benefit of choosing to eat High Quality Foods means you have more energy all day and its easier losing weight.    You feel satisfied and eat appropriately sized portions.  It helps you manage your caloric intake easily.   So in the end both are important but eating Quality Food leads to an easy reduction in the quantity of food you eat in losing weight.

(1) Mozaffarian, D., et al., Changes in diet and lifestyle and long-term weight gain in women and men. N Engl J Med, 2011. 364(25): p. 2392-404.

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